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Chub fishing
Typical places to find chub are near any snag, where there's a bit of cover, creases, glides in fact almost anywhere.
Chub will eat anything, but my two favourite baits are meat and bread.
My methods are simple in the extreme. When meat fishing I simply use a good size lump of meat on a size 6 hook fished on a light lead or even just a link ledger of a swan or a couple of swan shots. I start at one end of the fishery and cast in to every likely looking spot usually on most swims you can drop the baited hook in no need to cast. If I have no bites after 5 minutes I move to the next swim.
When fishing bread I first make up a bucket of mash either the night before or use a batch I've already prepared and defrosted.
For a good days fishing all you need for bait is a bucket of mash which could be made up in advance and frozen and a fresh loaf.
My tactics are similar to when using meat. I start at the upstream point of the length I'm going to fish, feed a ball of mash in to the swim and either trot down on a chubber float or fish a light link ledger, with flake on the hook. I usually give a swim about 15 minutes before moving on again you can always return later.
Preparing Mash
Break a loaf in to small pieces then leave in a large bucket to dry out. Then soak the bread overnight the next day squeeze out as much water as you can and mash it up. The mash is then ready for use. If the mash is not required straight away or you want to make a bigger batch for use later on, then simply divide the mash into session size batches and freeze. All you need do then is the night before your session is to take the prepared mash out of the freezer to thaw.
The ideal rod, is an avon/quiver rod of about 1.25lb test curve. A line of 6lb is ideal, a few small leads or swan shots, some chubber floats, size 6 hooks, a unhooking mat, a chair and of course a landing net.
 Swan shot link ledger |
 Float rig |
 Flake |
 Chub caught on flake |
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